We try to create change by bringing together real-world solutions, policy expertise, sustainable financing, and creative collaborations, all shaped by decades of lived experiences in rural communities of Southern Ethiopia.

Hope in Every Community is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of students, small-scale farmers, rural medical centers and schools.

How we do it?

The location of our projects, scale and accessibility are critical to the overall success. Our non-for-profit organization wants to make the biggest but most realistic impact on the educational, social and health landscape of rural communities of Ethiopia. Our goal in Ethiopia was to discover the most persistent obstacles to poverty as well as the most important needs for rural communities.

Innovation & Technology

We may offer resources to teachers, parents, students, medical professionals, and farmers to enhance learning, decision-making, access to healthcare, and farming by using and adapting technology common to the developed world.

Investing & Finance

Local Communities

We recognize that in order to have a long-term effect, we must actively engage and involve the communities we are attempting to assist. In terms of how we present ourselves as a genuine, ethical partner, we are always learning and developing.